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江苏美特罗信息科技有限公司   2018-07-13 09:23:59 作者:SystemMaster


4 days of Internet-based to assess the vulnerabilities


4 days of internal network vulnerabilities


2 days of wireless surveying and penetration testing. Testing will look to identify both misconfigured corporate wireless Access Points (APs) as well as rogue APs at up to 3 physical sites within a close geographic proximity.


2 days of physical testing of building security. Testing may be performed at up to 3 physical sites within a close geographic proximity.

Social Engineering

This testing can take many forms, most commonly leveraging targeted phishing emails. Malicious USB drives or phone-based social engineering are two other options.

Web Application

This testing leverages deep, manual web application testing techniques to identify vulnerabilities in one web application. Testing is performed from the perspective of an unauthenticated visitor in addition to a legitimate application user.

渗透测试:渗透测试(penetration test)是通过模拟恶意黑客的攻击方法,攻破目标系统的安全控制措施,取得访问控制权限,并发现潜在威胁,来评估计算机网络系统安全的一种评估方法。